"Pulled shield off stock helmet for me so did not have to order. Great customer service. "
"When in about a 2 month old bilt helmet falling apart got it fixed, got poor help in buying a jacket chest fit me but the arms are a bit to long and I thought they might have mention it as they catch on the handle bars and are a huge safety problem. the staff knowledge is low or was it about the sale?"
"Needed gear and they had it.
...All of what I needed and with a military discount."
"AMAZING love the feel of it"
"He was friendly and helpful. My son bought the helmet and he made sure it was cleaned and spoke right to him. He made my son very happy! Thank you!"
John A. Ellington"
"Been shopping for a new armored mesh jacket and stopped by the Lenexa store to see what you had in stock. Pleasantly surprised to find the very jacket I was looking for in stock and in my size. Was so impressed with the jacket that I bought the matching riding pants as well. Good fit, good style,and good value. What more does one need?"
"Always friendly, sound advice! "
"Very nice I liked the cover I bought and also found some detail spray. The girls were cute too! Great supply of rider gear I will be back!"
"Cycle Gear and their employees are a great company with great customer service. Online and in the store, I received knowledgeable service. I shop at Cycle Gear before I go anywhere else."
"Quoted a price on the phone for mount and balance, when I got to the store they up the price."
"The staff was super helpful and the helmet/jacket I got was perfect for riding."
"called prior to visiting store to make sure they had the seat cushion in stock....very helpful salesperson found the particular item I wanted and pulled it from the shelf and left it at the counter with my name on it. This was important for me because I was on a strict time schedule and arrived as soon as they opened and only spent 8 minutes total including installing the cushion on my bike. Thanks for helping me complete my first Iron **** ride of 1000 miles in less than 24 hours (with a comfortable seat cushion). "
"I had a wonderful experience at Cycle Gear. The lady who was helping me was very knowledgeable and asked questions of my use for the product to ensure I was getting exactly what I was needing. Kudos!"
"I was looking for the shoei neotec2 it was in stock in my size for the price I was looking to pay. The guys behind the counter were very helpful. I will be back"